Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Kiss in Time

Author: Alex Flinn

Talia is a princess in the past. She fell under a spell and so did her entire kingdom. Jack is a teenager from Florida on a trip around Europe. Jack leaves his tour group in search of a little adventure. Instead he finds a place frozen in time and a beautiful girl asleep who he has an urge to kiss. The problem is that she wakes up along with her entire kingdom. He has to bring her with him into a world that she knows nothing about. A romantic adventure that will make you keep reading until the very end. Another of my favorite books. with Jack's attitude and Talia's openness I laughed the whole time.

For Parents: 10+


Plastic Angel

Author: Nerissa Nields

Angela, nicknamed "Gellie," is a child model, she is a only child, an her mother's pride and joy. Everyone at her school thinks that she is a stuck up snob. The only problem is that she doesn't want to model anymore, she wants to write songs, but her mother is forcing her to accept a movie deal. Randi is committed to her guitar and music. She has a chance to become part of the popular crowd. All she has to do is act, dress, and shop like they do, get a boyfriend- and drop her friend Gellie. This is a sweet and touching story of two girls trying to find their own way. I loved this book! I give it a 9 3/4.

For Parents: 10+


The King's Arrow

Author: Michael Cadnum

Simon is given the opportunity to go hunting with the king. The hunt goes wrong though and Simon has to flee for his life and hide from those who would want him dead. Was it on purpose or an accident? This is an action-packed story. This book was an OK but it wasn't my favorite. I would give it about a 7.

For Parents: This has some violence in it- 11+


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Along for the Ride

Author: Sarah Dessen

Auden's missed out on a lot of things because she was a little adult even before her parents divorce, she focused solely on academics. Now she's going to the beach for the summer while staying with her dad, his new wife, and their baby. She works at her step-mom's trendy boutique and starts to learn about the world of teenage girls, their conversations, romances, and friendships. Then Auden meets Eli, who is an intriguing loner. Eli introduces Auden to The town's night life and they embark on a mission: to give Auden the experiences that she missed. I thought that this was a very toughing book of finding your way along roads that you've never traveled. rating between one and ten: 9.

For Parents: 11+


Author: Gail Carson Levine

Kezi is going to die and she falls head over heels in love with Olus, the Akkan god of the winds. Olus is in love as much as Kezi and finds it unbearable that she is to die. This love brings them to try and fight fate; they have to go through trials that test them. They experience things together and apart; the lord of the dead, the god of destiny, and the tests of the Akkan gods. If they succeed they will be together, but if they fail Kezi's fate will be sealed. This is a thrilling book full of adventure, action and romance. I found it very exciting and I was held in suspense until the very end.

For Parents: 10+

The Cinderella Society

Author: Kay Cassidy

When Jess moved to her new school she hoped that she would fit in, but, as always, she is an outsider. When she is invited to join The Cinderella Society a secret club of the most popular girls in school. She starts to feel like she is fitting in, makeovers and finding Prince Charming. Jess starts to realize thought that being a Cindy isn't all fun and games, it's about fighting the Wickeds, who are lead by Jess's arch-enemy. The Wickeds begin to target innocent girls Jess finds out that she is part of a century old battle of good vs. evil and Jess is given a mission that could change everything. Jess begins to think that the Cindys chose the wrong person for the job. I love the main character's name and that only adds to the story. I found it suspenseful and I was very disappointed that I didn't get to find out what happens next since it is a series.

For Parents: 10+

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Alanna: The First Adventure

Author: Tamora Pierce

Alanna of Trebond's dearest wish is to become a knight, something forbidden to girls in this time. Since she has a twin and he is a boy it is easy to trade places and for her to head off to train to become a knight. She begins training as a page and discovers that the road to knighthood is not an easy one she has to master polite behavior, her temper, magic, weapons, and combat. She becomes friends with the prince and they fall into many adventures. I thought that this was a very girl power book. I loved how the main character is a girl that proves that she is as a good as any man.

For Parents: 10+


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

White Cat

Author: Holly Black

Cassel is the only non worker in a worker family. Working is a type of magic, the person just has to touch you and they change almost everything about you. Most of them are criminals because curse work is illegal. So he's the only straight person in a crooked family, except for the fact that he killed his best friend, Lila, three years ago. Cassel built a normal life trying to blend into the crowd. Then he starts to sleepwalk because of nightmare of a white cat. Also his brothers start to act strangely, hiding something to find out the truth he will have to outcon the conmen. This is a strange book and it wasn't my favorite. I didn't like the way it ended. All in all if had to rate it out of ten I would give it about a 6 1/2.

For Parents: This book is violent and two sexual parts 14+.

Song of the Sparrow

Author: Lisa Ann Sandell

Elaine lives during the time of King Arthur. In fact, Arthur and Lancelot are almost like her older brothers. Elaine is sixteen and she wishes that Lancelot would see her as more than just a tomboy. Then, one day, there is a new girl in camp and Elaine hopes that she will be her friend. Instead Gwynivere turns out to be cruel and cold. Then they are thrown into grave danger and they need each other to survive. This book is written strangely, almost in poetry but it doesn't rhyme. I liked this book a lot though, since it is written this way it is shorter than it looks.

For Parents: Some violance 10+.