Thursday, April 12, 2012

Princess of Glass

Author: Jessica Day George

Princess Poppy is haunted with the memories of when she had to dance every night as the youngest of the twelve dancing princesses. She is part of the royal exchange program where the heirs of all of the countries switch to create good relationships. Poppy is sent to Breton where she plays cards instead of dancing. Also, where she makes friends with a prince who is also there. Then the maid Eleanora comes and decides that she likes him. Who will the prince choose? And who is Eleanora's 'benefactress' who has been providing her with dresses and jewels? Poppy can see that it has something to do with magic and she is just the person to deal with it. I loved this book! Of course I am a bit of a hopeless romantic so that might have something to do with it. I have read this book several times and that is saying something since I usually don't read a book more than once or twice.

For Parents: 11+


The Woman Who Rides Like a Man

Author: Tamora Pierce

This is the third book in the Song of the Lioness series. In this book Alanna has just been knighted and she has told everyone that she is in fact a woman. Now she goes out to the Tortall desert to find adventure. She is forced to use her new found knight skills to prevent herself from being killed by the desert dwellers that have captured her. She is inducted into their tribe and becomes their first female shaman. She is changing their custom and some people are very opposed to the idea. She must fight to for all of the tribes and for all of Tortall. I really liked this book and I can't wait to read the next one. I find it interesting to watch as Alanna grows up and becomes her own person.

For Parents: There is some sexual things so I would say 12+ conservatively.
